روان شناسی و مشاوره::
اجتماعی شناختی
on socio-cognitive development: culture, language and social experience within the two paradigms
In this paper, we offer criticism of traditional cognitivist theories of socio-cognitive development and explore an alternative, action-based framework.
We argue that even though they all seem to explain empirical data about socio-cognitive devel- opment-infant mindreading, modulation by experiential factors, and cross-cultural variance-there are other, theoretical reasons why their explanations are untenable.
There are cultures with folk psychologies that differ from the Western one, and children from such cultures tend to show different developmental timetables and trajectories of socio-cognitive abilities as measured by various tests (Gut and Mirski 2016; Howell 1981; Lebra 1993; Lillard 1998; Mayer and Träuble 2012; Mills 2001; Strijbos and De Bruin 2013; Vinden 1996; Wellman et al. 2011; Wierzbicka 1992).2
The apparent Western centric nature of that view should raise suspicion, and indeed we will try to show that we could be better off not describing socio-cognitive skills of all cultures in terms of a theory of mind.
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